New Fire Apparatus
Polaris Ranger UTV & Chevy Tahoe Duty Officer Vehicle
The Mound Fire Department has recently added two new vehicles to our fire and rescue fleet.
In 2021, the department purchased a Polaris Ranger UTV to replace an old obsolete 1986 Chevy 1-ton Grass Fire Rig. The New Ranger UTV is much more versatile, is built for safe “Off-Road” use, and has a firefighting pump and medical equipment on board. The UTV carries (4) firefighters and can respond in areas that are not practical for a larger truck. The UTV can respond to fires or medical incidents on the Dakota Regional Trail, open fields or frozen lakes.
In December 2021, a new 2021 Chevy Tahoe went into service as a Duty Officer Vehicle, replacing a 2010 Chevy Tahoe. The fire department runs a Duty Officer Program 88 hourS every week, from 10pm-6am Sunday through Friday, and two 24-hour shifts Fridays and Saturdays from 6pm-6pm. The Duty Officer is on a scheduled shift and takes the vehicle home while on duty. The Duty Officer responds alone to certain call types that may be able to be handled by one person. Some callouts such as Carbon Monoxide Alarms and Recreational Fire Complaints can often be handled by one firefighter. The Duty Officer (when on assigned shift) also responds directly and quickly to the scene of many other types of calls for service. The Duty Officer is the 1st person to arrive on scene to provide critical updates to other responding fire crews. This fast response program is critically important for life safety at serious medical emergencies, structure fires or vehicle crashes. When a fire officer is on Duty Shift, they are required to stay in Mound and be ready to respond quickly to serve our resident.